Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Never Give Up

Do you sometimes wonder why some prayers are not answered immediately? Why are there times of frustration and disappointment? Does it sometimes feel like God is delaying?

In this weeks podcast, Bernadette Zziwa of IntegrityLife Church Buziga shares the message God laid on her heart: Do Not Give Up!

Apologies for the sound quality, we will have it rectified by next week. Be blessed!

Click Here to Listen to the Podcast

Sunday, June 17, 2012

...More Precious Than Gold

In our pursuit of God there is an unshakable foundation with which we can overcome every obstacle in our way. More Precious Than Gold is this shield that can put out every doubt, every depression and every opposition.

In this message, Dr. Joseph Okia talks about the dynamics of activating our Faith and seeing it produce results in our lives.

"When the Son of Man comes, will He find Faith?" Luke 18:8

Click Here to Listen

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Mountains Will Move

Are there obstacles standing between you and the promises of God? Are there situations in your life that seem impossible? There is a Power that makes the impossible come possible, a power that moves mountains and slays giants. In this message Dr. Joseph Okia speaks about what to do when the disappointments and painful experiences have quenched hope and faith and how to unlock the power to move mountains in your life.

The Power to Move Mountains - Click Here to Listen!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Do you need a miracle?

Has God given you great promises but you are not seeing them fulfilled? Have you waited patiently for a miracle without seeing results? In this podcast I share a vital ingredient that is essential if you are to receive your miracle.

This message will inspire and strengthen you in your faith and provide you with practical tools for spiritual victory.

Great Expectations