Sunday, August 26, 2012

For Adults Only - God's Plan and Purpose for Sex (Part 2)

A person with ambition but no power, must of necessity rule by deception. In this Second part of a message on Sex, Dr. Joseph Okia lays the foundation for understanding and overcoming sexual temptation.

The teaching of Balaam the witchdoctor who failed to curse the Children of Israel and yet still managed to bring great destruction into their camp is still active in the church Today.

This message will empower you to detect Balaam's Teaching and Deception and prepare you for the return of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Click Here to Listen to the Message

For Adults Only - God's Plan and Purpose for Sex (Part 1)

Sex! Sex! Sex! We are bombarded with images and messages on Television, Newspapers and on the Internet. What is this fascination with Sex and what can a Believer do to navigate these muddied waters?

In this first part of a series on Sex, Dr. Joseph Okia shares (very!) frankly on the Subject of Sex and its importance in our worship of God.

Its time to talk about Sex

Click Here to Listen to the Message

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Vessel of Honour

God is the Creator of the Universe, He is unique, special, set-apart and Holy. As those called to declare His Glory and Holiness upon the earth and demonstrate His Nature to all of Creation, we the People of God must walk in Holiness, must be set-apart, A Vessel of Honour.

This is one of the most important messages I have preached to date, as one lady said: It saved my life! It is not the popular message, but it might save your soul and lead you onto the narrow path. My prayer is that you will not just listen, but assess yourself on the scale of Christ's Righteousness and make a decision to live radically, totally and completely for Him and in Him.

Click Here to Listen to the Podcast

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Putting on the Whole Armour of God

In a generation where vice has replaced virtue,where permissiveness has overshadowed  morality and where the Truth has been made to appear as though it is a Lie and  falsehood is accepted as the truth, Danielle Okia shares a tough but insightful message on how to overcome these evil times with God's Armour. The message may seem hard but what she is teaching is the truth, and it is the only way to overcome these evil times.

Be blessed as you listen to today's message.

Click Here to Listen to the Message