Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Who can say Yes when God says No?

Time and again we are faced with situations that completely challenge what the word of God says and because of getting overwhelmed by the situations, we end up accepting them as normal yet what God's word says is totally different. You could find yourself in a situation where you feel oppressed in your own territory, your own city, your own home and instead of sticking to what God's word says, you turn to strongholds for comfort. But today God is reminding you about His greatness and the power that lies within you. No situation can withstand the power of the God that is within you and any moment that any situation arises, just listen to the voice of God. If God is for Us, who can be against us?

Click here to listen to the message

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Oli Mwana wa ani?Whose child are You?

At the heart of all the troubles that we have in our nation, offices,and homes is the spirit of orphan hood. Sons are fighting and rebelling against their fathers, and society is left orphaned. A foolish son is the
calamity of his father and any fatherless son is a calamity to society. The question is,whose son are you? Oli mwana wani? Are you that parent less child who is without the guidance of parents disobedient to authority, un-teachable, and all knowing? And if you are not that child,whose child are you? Do you know your
parents?And if you know them, do you follow what they tell you to do?
In this message, Dr Joseph Okia teaches us how to be good spiritual sons and daughters and how obedience and submission to our parents is the solution to most of the troubles that we face in our current generation.

Click here to listen to the message

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Manifesting as a Father

Fatherhood is the foundation of Christianity and every activity that we are engaged with.
Fatherhood is an essential revelation of God. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray,he told them to always say Father,hallowed be thy name!
Fatherhood is the super trigger that leads us to God. God is a Father and a Father who is to be honored. The Father is in the son and the son is in the Father. Creation is waiting
in eager exception for the sons of God to be revealed. All the systems, family,politics,business,education name them are waiting for the fathers to manifest.

Click here to listen to the Message

Thursday, November 7, 2013

How to be a Spiritual Child

It is commonplace to find the roles of a father clearly spelt out.A father establishes the identity of his children,a father provides security to his children,a father instills authority among his children and the father validates the potential of his children. But what does it take to be a child to the father?And in this case a good spiritual child to a spiritual Father?
Simple as it may appear,it takes a lot of spiritual alertness to appreciate the fact that one is a spiritual son with obligations to fulfill to their spiritual parents. It goes way beyond merely confessing that someone is your spiritual father and in this special message,Dr.Joseph Okia guides us on what it means to be a spiritual child.