Sunday, December 15, 2013

Why the fuss about Christmas? Does it call for any celebration?

Once again the Christmas season is right here and everyone is excited about the fun fare and merry making that comes with the season. To many it is a period of relaxing from the tight work schedules, to others it is a time of hooking up with friends and family, a chance to celebrate the end of the year, and to many believers, it is a season to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
But if you were to delve deeper into your reasons for celebrating Christmas, are they the right reasons? Do they warrant cause for excitement? Have you bothered to find out why people were so happy about the birth of Jesus Christ? Are they the same reasons why you are excited about Christmas? Does Jesus' birth hold any relevance to you today? These are some of the questions that Dr Joseph Okia answers in this powerful message that he shared with the little children

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Who can say Yes when God says No?

Time and again we are faced with situations that completely challenge what the word of God says and because of getting overwhelmed by the situations, we end up accepting them as normal yet what God's word says is totally different. You could find yourself in a situation where you feel oppressed in your own territory, your own city, your own home and instead of sticking to what God's word says, you turn to strongholds for comfort. But today God is reminding you about His greatness and the power that lies within you. No situation can withstand the power of the God that is within you and any moment that any situation arises, just listen to the voice of God. If God is for Us, who can be against us?

Click here to listen to the message

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Oli Mwana wa ani?Whose child are You?

At the heart of all the troubles that we have in our nation, offices,and homes is the spirit of orphan hood. Sons are fighting and rebelling against their fathers, and society is left orphaned. A foolish son is the
calamity of his father and any fatherless son is a calamity to society. The question is,whose son are you? Oli mwana wani? Are you that parent less child who is without the guidance of parents disobedient to authority, un-teachable, and all knowing? And if you are not that child,whose child are you? Do you know your
parents?And if you know them, do you follow what they tell you to do?
In this message, Dr Joseph Okia teaches us how to be good spiritual sons and daughters and how obedience and submission to our parents is the solution to most of the troubles that we face in our current generation.

Click here to listen to the message

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Manifesting as a Father

Fatherhood is the foundation of Christianity and every activity that we are engaged with.
Fatherhood is an essential revelation of God. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray,he told them to always say Father,hallowed be thy name!
Fatherhood is the super trigger that leads us to God. God is a Father and a Father who is to be honored. The Father is in the son and the son is in the Father. Creation is waiting
in eager exception for the sons of God to be revealed. All the systems, family,politics,business,education name them are waiting for the fathers to manifest.

Click here to listen to the Message

Thursday, November 7, 2013

How to be a Spiritual Child

It is commonplace to find the roles of a father clearly spelt out.A father establishes the identity of his children,a father provides security to his children,a father instills authority among his children and the father validates the potential of his children. But what does it take to be a child to the father?And in this case a good spiritual child to a spiritual Father?
Simple as it may appear,it takes a lot of spiritual alertness to appreciate the fact that one is a spiritual son with obligations to fulfill to their spiritual parents. It goes way beyond merely confessing that someone is your spiritual father and in this special message,Dr.Joseph Okia guides us on what it means to be a spiritual child.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Who is Your Father?

The basis of our ministry is family and if you want to go any further in your spiritual walk and every other journey that you have embarked on, you must clearly understand your family.You must get to appreciate each and everyone around you as family. In a family you love your brothers and sisters, you share and cherish every moment with the loved ones, you quarrel and get misunderstandings, but still you remain family.In a family you have a Father, that special person who you call daddy, that person with whom you share the same DNA, that great person whom you look up to when you are stuck, that person who will guide you in your every day life and help you to negotiate the corners of life. That special father for whom you cannot hesitate to open up your entire life for him to speak into it, that special person who will correct you when you go wrong and that special person who will celebrate with you more than any one else when you succeed.
God is asking you today, who is your father? And if you know who your father is, have you submitted your life and what you have to him?

Click here to listen to the message

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Overcoming Doubt for Our Calling

God has given us a mandate to bring transformation to Uganda and all the nations all over the world and He has put in place everything that we need to transform nations but some how we are still in doubt and we
think that we don't have what it takes to accomplish God's assignment.Time and again We are despising ourselves and abilities by looking down upon ourselves. We have ensnared ourselves by believing the negative voices that fill us with information that only makes us feel defeated.
But time has come for you to shake yourself out of that foolishness. We must rise and take up what God has called us to do.
We must stop despising Ourselves and instead believe and declare the word of God. God is already doing wonders and miracles in our midst and we must use them as a springboard to our rise instead of taking them for granted.

Click here to listen to Dr.Joseph Okia

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Arise and Shine

  The way of the righteous is like the early morning rays that shine more and more unto the perfect day. In this brand new season people are going to recognize you for who you are and entrust you with more and more assignments but you must arise and shine. Though it might take some time for the light to become bright, just persist and eliminate all excuses. It is a season where there is no substitute for hard work, and a season where whatever is undertaken is guided by faith.

In this Message, Dr Joseph Okia shares about the amazing testimony of the transformational power that the Hawaii Conference has had on his personal life and the different spheres of his influence. What started as a small shining light six years ago is now shinning brighter and brighter and he encourages us to always arise and shine without any excuse when God’s call comes.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Knowing God deeply

God sent us here with a purpose. We are so blessed to know about Christ and it is our responsibility to let each and everyone around us to know about God. God’s will for us is to present His gospel to His people and let the whole world know about His saving grace and love for humanity.
Let us tell God’s people about the love of Christ and the peace of God. We are lucky that we have already received salvation through Christ and now we should transmit this gospel to transform people, change lives, and make people look different and bring healing to hurting world.
We are in a new season of soul winning, a season of harvesting people and a season to bring forth fruit.
It is time to sow ourselves into righteousness and seek God like never before. In a crazy world that is full of crazy people, it is time to become a crazy Christian and harvest souls for Christ.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Getting Sick and Tired of the Situation

Sometimes getting out an undesirable situation necessitates us to get tired of that situation. There are people who always have all kinds of reasons to justify their continued stay in certain situations and why those cant change, but if we are to come out those situations, it needs us to cooperate with God and it is you, yourself to declare that destiny upon your life. It is you to proclaim that dream and get your life out of that situation. The power of life and death lies in your tongue, declare an end to that situation with your tongue.
This new season is about getting up and shedding off the dust of the old season, it’s time to press on and leave the past behind you. Get sick and tired of that situation

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Secret of defeating the Enemy once and for all

The devil is the most powerless enemy that anyone can ever have an encounter with. But weak as he is, this enemy has kingdom which he has to build and he is very sure that he cannot bank on his weakness to build his kingdom. We all know the sole purpose of the devil's kingdom is to steal, kill and destroy but in his powerlessness, he can never ever attain his goal.
The devil uses those with power to attain his goal and since God gave us power over the enemy, it is we with the power that the devil tricks into doing things that promote his kingdom.
The enemy creates situations in our lives that force us to do things that only promote his kingdom. He uses tools like anger, envy, depression and above all discouragement. Once he gets those with power in those moods, then they can do anything that he desires for his kingdom.

Brethren, the bible warns us to be alert and sober minded against the devil's scheme. We already know that this enemy is very powerless and weak and once we discern what he is plotting in his schemes, his kingdom is as good as defeated forever.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

God's Message of Love in the New Season

God created each and every one with a special feeling of love. Irrespective of who we are, what we do, where we live,how old we are,everyone longs to be loved, cared for and be treated in a special way at least by someone or those around us. Right from the beginning God‘s relationship with US has been one that is strictly grounded on love. For love’s sake He created us,gave Us everything that He owns in the universe, and trusted Us to lord over all the creation. Even as we sinned and betrayed Him, for love's sake He went ahead and offered a hefty ransom to redeem Us. All kinds of trials and harsh realities life sometimes make us forget about this unending love that Our creator has had for us for all these generations but today God is reminding us that His love is unending. Irrespective of the circumstances around US,. The same loving God of yesterday is the same today, tomorrow and forever. In this new Season, God is reminding us that He has not changed, He Loves you.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Celebrating the New Season-Rosh Hashana 2013

This new season marks the most significant time of the year not only on the Jewish calendar but in the lives of all believers across the globe. It is a key moment, a time to reflect on past mistakes and resolve in front of God to not repeat them in the coming year, It is a time for repentance, and forgiveness in the eyes of God, a time to cleanse our souls and a new chance to start afresh with an unburdened conscience throughout the rest of the year.

It was a moment to remember as each and every believer at the Integrity Life Church took that conscious step to look deep inside their personal lives and made amends with God. It was a fire filled atmosphere as members of the congregation spoke blessings to one another, wished one another a prosperous new season that is full of holiness, fruitfulness, purity and love. All old contracts were cancelled, bitter experiences of the old season nullified and a sweet new season was announced. A holy communion was conducted to usher in this new season of blessings and the icing of the cake was the blowing of the shofar 100 times to stir up the souls of the believers and to awaken their spirits to God’s presence throughout this new season.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Put off that Christian Mask

We are called to live a life of righteousness but the kind of righteousness that modern Christians have chosen to live leaves a lot to be desired. In a desperate attempt to imitate Jesus, Christians have ended up doing exactly the opposite of what Jesus teaches us to do by showing contempt for  those who are perceived to be sinners, judging those who error in their spiritual walks, and embarrassing those who are nabbed in sin. Modern Christians are too righteous to the extent that they even do not remember to think about their weaknesses. They move around with "Christ like" "holy" and "reverent images" which on the surface show that everything is right in their lives.

But as Ms Angela Semwogerere shares in this inspirational message, this is not the kind of life that Jesus Christ called us to live. We must put off all the Christian masks that we have put on and live the true life of righteousness that we are called to live.

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Power to Control Destiny Lies in the Tongue

Our fate and destiny entirely lies in the power of the words that we profess and speak. The very words that we speak have the power to determine the destiny of nations either in the wrong way or the right way. Words can bring peace just like they can bring about catastrophes. We have witnessed nations crumble just because of bad reports, the Israelites were on the brink of possessing the promised land but just because of a bad report they missed out. In this new season we ought to watch out for the words we speak upon situations, upon our nations, and upon ourselves because what we speak has the power to determine our destiny.
In this Message Dr Joseph Okia encourages Us to celebrate the blessings that the new season has brought and be ready to possess the promised land that God destined Us for and to always desist from believing in bad reports.Be blessed as you listen.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Consecrating Your Tongue

Come to think about the words that you speak. Are they words that create life or they are words that destroy? The most special body part that God ever created on man is the tongue. The bible talks of the power of life and death being in this simple organ-the tongue. Just imagine,the power of everything on earth(your life, children, businesses, nations, governments, dreams) all lies in the tongue. In this message we are challenged and taught how to tame the this special body part and use it to achieve God's intended purpose for the world around us.

Carrying God's Presence

Dedicate every part of your body to God such that wherever you go, it is not you that people get to see but God. Your hands should only touch things that build God's kingdom, your eyes should only see things that exalt God, your legs should only take you to places where God is needed your lips should only utter words that build. People should be able to see God in you and not just you.

Click Here to Listen to the Message

Monday, July 22, 2013

Sowing Seeds of Righteousness

Do you really believe that God still works miracles in our  day and age? Day in  and day out we are bombarded with words of discouragement and despair. The media  lets us to know everything that is  negative around us.
But in the midst of the seeming despair, God shines His light brightly to let us know that He is still on His throne and that His power is still available to heal the sick, raise the dead, make the blind see and to shut the mouths of lions. Gahini's miraculous restoration has for us become a symbol of God's power to heal today.

Brethren it is a new season for sowing seeds of righteousness according to Hosea 10:12, a time to break up our hardened hearts of unbelief and doubt and a time to seek the Lord until He comes and rains righteousness on us.
There was a sweet presence in the room as Dr Joseph Okia guided us in  pouring out our hearts for God to replace any hardness with a heart of flesh according to Ezekiel 36:26.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Manifesting in the New Season

Terrible times have come and gone, we have walked  on rough paths, through rugged terrains but still made it through and here we are in a brand new season after overcoming  such intense battles. Now We have  to step up the game and rise up to the challenges of the new season. We have to rise to a higher level of excellence and  we must be led by prophetic revelation and not what seems to make sense to us.
In this message, Dr Joseph Okia urges us to manifest as soon as possible, because more than ever before, Creation is eagerly waiting for us in this new season

Click Here to Listen to the Message

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Eternal Life Starts Here and Now

Conventional beliefs have made Us think that eternity only starts after getting into the next life and our interaction with God is often hampered by that mindset that the rules of Our interaction with Him will change when eternal life starts. We think that the way we relate with God will change when "eternal life starts"
But as Ms Angella Semwogerere shares in this motivational message, the God of yesterday is the God of today and He is the God of Forever, nothing about Him will ever change, and as we interact with Him, we should bear it in mind that the rules of yesterday are the rules of today and they are the rules for eternity.

Click Here to Listen to the Message 

Monday, June 10, 2013

You Will Never Walk Alone

Brethren you are not alone. The moment you believed  that Jesus Christ is your Savior, you not only  entitled yourself to divine privileges but also earned yourself an eternal companion in the Holy Spirit. Jesus knew how tough and depressing situations can mean to be in His absence  and  promised  to send you a Helper, a Counselor and a Comforter who will forever  be with you in every situation, every place you go and every activity that you do.
But as Apostle Grace Awor shares in this powerful message, all you need  to do is  recognize the sweet  presence of  your Companion in your entire walk of life, for Jesus decreed it, that you will never walk alone,

Click Here to listen to the Message

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Secret Love Ideas that will Transform Our World

People out there are desperately looking for love and one of Our purposes is to avail this much needed love. Our God who so loved the world and surrendered His only son to save this world is the same God who put Us here on earth as His Ambassadors of love. All that the world needs to be a better is unconditional love, selfless love, and in whatever we do in our daily lives, we should exude love. But as Apostle Grace Awor teaches in this podcast, love is not a feeling, love should not be selective and we should avail no other love but replicate that love that God showed to the whole world. Love is a commitment, a decision and above all a commandment.

Click Here to Listen to Apostle Grace Awor's Message 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Can you Super-size that?

If we want to see our City and our Nation transformed we must believe God for extra-ordinary Miracles. It is when people see the extraordinary power of God working through your life that they can believe and put their trust in God. Leaders are longing to see the Power of God manifest in Government, In Business, in Education and in Every Sphere of Influence - It is time to Supersize Your Faith

Click Here to Listen to Today's Message

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sometimes Only A Miracle Will Do!

Do you believe in Miracles? Really? It is easy to believe that God loves us (or is it?) we believe that He wants us to read our Bible, love our neighbors and do all the other good things that come with being a Believer. But do we believe that God can and will do Extraordinary Miracles in our day and age? Do you believe that God can and will heal you of cancer, AIDS, TB and any other terminal illness? Do you believe that God can and will raise the dead, open the eyes of the blind and make the lame walk. For us to see these extraordinary miracles in our lives we must embrace two things:

1. The Faith for Extraordinary Miracles
2. The Absolute Necessity of Intercessory Prayer

Click Here to Listen to Dr. Joseph Okia's message

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

So you think that's a Good Idea? Good Ideas may prevent you from God's Best

What was the strongest rebuke Jesus had for another human being? It was when Peter suggested that he (Jesus) should not go to Jerusalem to suffer at the hands of the Sanhedrin. (Matthew 16:21). What was so wrong with Peter's desire to protect Jesus from untold suffering. What was so dark and terrible about this desire to protect a loved one that Jesus identified it as the very voice of Satan. If we want to transform our community we must deal with the good thoughts and ideas and concerns which may seem innocent but actually originate from the very pit of Hell. There are Good thoughts, thoughts of wisdom, thoughts of concern for our loved ones which are actually the seeds Satan has planted to prevent us from doing God's will. Listen to this weeks message to learn how to identify these little foxes in your life and remove them so God's purposes can be fully established!

Click here to Listen to Today's Message

Monday, April 22, 2013

Special IntegrityStudio Podcast - Adopting your Community

Jesus final instructions captured in Matthew 28:19 are to make disciples of nations. Discipling Nations starts with ourselves, then our family, community and the nation. What does it mean to disciple a community? In this special IntegrityMedia Studio Broadcast, a young man shares about the pain and despair he encountered when he took a deeper look at his community and what plans God has in bringing transformation to this community.

Click here to listen to the Special Broadcast

Sunday, April 7, 2013

What do you do when Life throws you a Curveball

 Early this year God spoke to us clearly that this Year 2013, we would face some of the most intense opposition in our lives. I know that is not a popular word but we honestly believed it was the voice of the Lord. At the same time God spoke and said that we would face giants and overcome them. Little did we know the seriousness of the challenges that would come our way.

So what do you do when challenges of unimaginable proportions come your way? What do you do when your newborn child is fighting for their life in an incubator - like it happened to us this month? What do you do when you are diagnosed with cancer? When your partner files for divorce?

Listen to this sober but encouraging message, inspired by my friend Roy Tijardi who despite suffering from stage 4 cancer continues to transform Nations, speaking life and encouragement wherever he goes.

Dr. Joseph Okia

Click Here to Listen to the Message

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Building God’s Tabernacle

What does it take to establish the things that God wants to see on Earth? How often do we set Ourselves apart to be in God’s presence? The Bible talks of how Moses used to climb up the Mountain to receive from God. Despite being the Son of God, Jesus too used to go up the mountain to communicate with His Father
Brethren,even in this brand new season God is ready for Us, He wants His presence amongst Us but we must leave the crowd and go up the mountain to meet Him. Be blessed as you listen to this Message

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Hunger for God

 Do We really belong to God?How often does God want Us to be in His Presence?Do We ever yearn to be in God's presence?And if so do We ever listen to what God tells Us? Brethren the Bible says that whoever belongs to God hears what God says.
In this message,Integrity Life Church's Apostle Grace Awor takes us through a journey of how Believers ought to Interact with God in this brand new season. Be blessed as you listen
Click Here to Listen

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Seeking God

 How is your journey with God?Is there a Price to pay in case you are to follow God? Is merely accepting God in your life enough or it takes much more than that? In this tough but Inspirational message,Integrity Life Church's Apostle Grace Awor teaches about how seeking God is much more than we thought.Be blessed as you listen.

Click Here to Listen

Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013 : Deep Calls unto Deep

 How is your journey with God?Is there a Price to pay in case you are to follow God? Is merely accepting God in your life enough or it takes much more than that? In this tough but Inspirational message,Integrity Life Church's Apostle Grace Awor teaches about how seeking God is much more than we thought.Be blessed as you listen.

Click Here to Listen to the Message