Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Secret of defeating the Enemy once and for all

The devil is the most powerless enemy that anyone can ever have an encounter with. But weak as he is, this enemy has kingdom which he has to build and he is very sure that he cannot bank on his weakness to build his kingdom. We all know the sole purpose of the devil's kingdom is to steal, kill and destroy but in his powerlessness, he can never ever attain his goal.
The devil uses those with power to attain his goal and since God gave us power over the enemy, it is we with the power that the devil tricks into doing things that promote his kingdom.
The enemy creates situations in our lives that force us to do things that only promote his kingdom. He uses tools like anger, envy, depression and above all discouragement. Once he gets those with power in those moods, then they can do anything that he desires for his kingdom.

Brethren, the bible warns us to be alert and sober minded against the devil's scheme. We already know that this enemy is very powerless and weak and once we discern what he is plotting in his schemes, his kingdom is as good as defeated forever.

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