Sunday, December 16, 2012

Workplace Transformation: Riding The Jubilee Wave

God is doing incredible things in the Nation of Uganda. On the eve of celebrating 50 years of Independence the President of the Nation repented for his sins and dedicated the Nation to God. Since then a wave of Transformation has been sweeping through different arena's of the Nation. In this message delivered at the 5th Annual National Workplace Fellowship Retreat Dr. Joseph Okia talks about the critical importance of Understanding the Time and knowing how to jump onto the wave of Transformation. During this Retreat the Speaker of Parliament also repented for the sins of Parliament and dedicated Parliament to God.

Click Here to Listen to the Broadcast

Monday, November 19, 2012

Jesus says: Go to Hell!

For us to bring Transformation to every sphere of Influence we must know that there will be opposition. The enemy is not bothered by people going to church, singing songs, clapping their hands, but the one thing he hates is when we leave the church building and take up our positions at our businesses and workplaces.

Jesus told Peter in Matthew 16:18 that "on this rock I will build my church and ALL THE POWERS OF HELL will not be able to conquer it" (NLT).

Jesus is saying that Nation Transformation, going after Business, Government, Education, will unleash all the powers of hell, BUT THEY WILL NOT PREVAIL.

We are called to bring the Kingdom of God to where the Gates of Hell are so the Jesus can build HIS CHURCH!

It is time to storm the Gates of Hell!

Click Here to Listen to the Message

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Paradigm 3: Every Believer a Minister and Labor is Worship

Every Believer is a Minister and Labour is Worship. Some are called to preach from the pulpit, others are anointed in all manner of woodwork and crafts like Bezalel (Exodus 31:2). All are to use the power of the Holy Ghost to do their work whether it is administering a Government Office, Running a Business or Writing an academic Thesis. You are uniquely anointed for your work! Anointed for Business! Anointed for Government! Anointed for Arts & Entertainment! Anointed for Education! It is time to Arise and Shine and take your position! Every Believer is a Minister.

Paradigm 2: The Marketplace has been redeemed and must now be reclaimed

Transforming Nations means bringing the Presence of God into every Sphere of Influence. Where do you spend the most of your active time? What are the areas of our nation that influence the most people? What are the activities and systems that influence the entire Nation? It is the marketplace: Government, Business, Education, Arts and Media. This is the heart of the Nation. If we really want to see our nation transformed we must reclaim these areas that Christ has already redeemed.

It is God's plan to bring all things under His Authority through Christ - Ephesians 1:10

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Paradigm No 1: Disciple Nations, not just Individuals

Attitude determines altitude. Your perspective will determine your actions. What are you shooting for? A bigger house, bigger car? A bigger congregations? Bigger Church Building? All those things are fine, but God is calling us to shoot higher. To go after nations. Nations! Ask of me and I will give you nations as an inheritance (Psalm 2:8). The enemy can bribe you with a bigger ministry, with prosperity and growth in your business, but the one price he will not pay willingly is to surrender Nations.

What are you waiting for, it is your inheritance, we are going after nations

Click here to listen to the Podcast

Monday, October 22, 2012

Called to Transform Nations

Fresh from the Global Conference, 
Paradigms are the glasses through which we view our world and which determine our interpretation of information. In this foundational message Dr. Joseph Okia reveals the 5 pivotal Paradigms that are essential for us to adopt in order to Transform Nations.
Jesus called every disciple to not only disciple Individuals but to make disciples of every NATION. We are going after NATIONS!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A time to Grow up - The Inner Beauty of a Woman of God

Beauty is fleeting and looks are deceptive, but a woman who loves the Lord is to be praised. The woman of God is a woman who loves God, loves her husband and lays down her life for him. In this challenging message we question the idea that Love is a feeling and talk about the choice every woman must face, to trust or not to Trust. Be Blessed.

Click Here to Listen to the Message

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Marriage is not for Kids - Time to Grow Up!

Marriage is God's Idea for man to fulfill the mandate to fill the earth and establish Dominion. But marriage is under attack, many couples are disillusioned and wondering is there any hope? Do you know one of the most common things killing marriages today? Childishness! Listen to this message to find out if you are a true man or merely a male. Be Blessed

Click Here To Listen to The Message !

Monday, September 10, 2012

Marriage - God's Signpost to Eternity!

Marriage is God's Idea! So we need to turn to Him for a Blueprint that will help us to build marriages that will last. Marriage is God's sign pointing to Christ. Marriage is that place where we are shaped and molded to be more and more like Him! In this Podcast Dr. Joseph Okia lays the biblical foundation for marriage and explains God's purpose for Marriage. This message is crucial for both old and young, singles and married as we prepare our relationships for the Return of the Great Bridegroom!

Click Here to Listen to the message!

Time to go back to your Roots

God is a God of Purpose, Planning and Seasons. For us to properly function and live a victorious life we need to understand and discern God's seasons and timing. In this powerful message Dr. Joseph Okia shares about Uganda's season of Jubilee and how you can enter into your season of Jubilee and restoration not only for yourself but your entire family and heritage.

Click Here to Listen to the Message

Sunday, August 26, 2012

For Adults Only - God's Plan and Purpose for Sex (Part 2)

A person with ambition but no power, must of necessity rule by deception. In this Second part of a message on Sex, Dr. Joseph Okia lays the foundation for understanding and overcoming sexual temptation.

The teaching of Balaam the witchdoctor who failed to curse the Children of Israel and yet still managed to bring great destruction into their camp is still active in the church Today.

This message will empower you to detect Balaam's Teaching and Deception and prepare you for the return of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Click Here to Listen to the Message

For Adults Only - God's Plan and Purpose for Sex (Part 1)

Sex! Sex! Sex! We are bombarded with images and messages on Television, Newspapers and on the Internet. What is this fascination with Sex and what can a Believer do to navigate these muddied waters?

In this first part of a series on Sex, Dr. Joseph Okia shares (very!) frankly on the Subject of Sex and its importance in our worship of God.

Its time to talk about Sex

Click Here to Listen to the Message

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Vessel of Honour

God is the Creator of the Universe, He is unique, special, set-apart and Holy. As those called to declare His Glory and Holiness upon the earth and demonstrate His Nature to all of Creation, we the People of God must walk in Holiness, must be set-apart, A Vessel of Honour.

This is one of the most important messages I have preached to date, as one lady said: It saved my life! It is not the popular message, but it might save your soul and lead you onto the narrow path. My prayer is that you will not just listen, but assess yourself on the scale of Christ's Righteousness and make a decision to live radically, totally and completely for Him and in Him.

Click Here to Listen to the Podcast

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Putting on the Whole Armour of God

In a generation where vice has replaced virtue,where permissiveness has overshadowed  morality and where the Truth has been made to appear as though it is a Lie and  falsehood is accepted as the truth, Danielle Okia shares a tough but insightful message on how to overcome these evil times with God's Armour. The message may seem hard but what she is teaching is the truth, and it is the only way to overcome these evil times.

Be blessed as you listen to today's message.

Click Here to Listen to the Message

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Walking the Narrow Path

The path  to Heaven is narrow and very few will walk along that path. In today's world where it seems impossible for one to  walk  the narrow path, Dr Okia in this challenging message speaks boldly about  how you can be among the few to walk on that  narrow path to Heaven.

Be blessed as you listen to today's message

Monday, July 16, 2012

Is there something holding you back?

In this inspiring message Dr. Joseph Okia speaks about a major hinderance to our
spiritual progress. In an age where it is hard to distinguish the Church from the
World, Dr. Okia brings out life-giving principles to challenge and inspire you to
a more radical walk with Jesus.

Messages like these may not be popular, but they are life to those who hear them and can receive them. It is our prayer that you experience revival and renewal as you listen to this message.

Be blessed as you listen!

Click Here to Listen to Dr. Joseph Okia's Message!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

A white hot fire....

Revival, Revival, Revival, we have just returned from a deeply spiritual trip to Gahini in Rwanda. This was the birthplace of the East African Revival which for over 30 years swept large parts of Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi and the ripples of which are still felt throughout the region today.

Something was stirred in our hearts. A yearning, a desire to go deeper, but also a realisation at our own spiritual emptiness and need. This is surely a new season, will you walk with us as we draw nearer to the Holy Cleansing Fire, to be purified and rekindled in our faith!

This is the first message as we talk and pray for revival in your life, your city and nation.

Click Here to Listen to Dr. Joseph Okia's Message on Revival

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Never Give Up

Do you sometimes wonder why some prayers are not answered immediately? Why are there times of frustration and disappointment? Does it sometimes feel like God is delaying?

In this weeks podcast, Bernadette Zziwa of IntegrityLife Church Buziga shares the message God laid on her heart: Do Not Give Up!

Apologies for the sound quality, we will have it rectified by next week. Be blessed!

Click Here to Listen to the Podcast

Sunday, June 17, 2012

...More Precious Than Gold

In our pursuit of God there is an unshakable foundation with which we can overcome every obstacle in our way. More Precious Than Gold is this shield that can put out every doubt, every depression and every opposition.

In this message, Dr. Joseph Okia talks about the dynamics of activating our Faith and seeing it produce results in our lives.

"When the Son of Man comes, will He find Faith?" Luke 18:8

Click Here to Listen

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Mountains Will Move

Are there obstacles standing between you and the promises of God? Are there situations in your life that seem impossible? There is a Power that makes the impossible come possible, a power that moves mountains and slays giants. In this message Dr. Joseph Okia speaks about what to do when the disappointments and painful experiences have quenched hope and faith and how to unlock the power to move mountains in your life.

The Power to Move Mountains - Click Here to Listen!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Do you need a miracle?

Has God given you great promises but you are not seeing them fulfilled? Have you waited patiently for a miracle without seeing results? In this podcast I share a vital ingredient that is essential if you are to receive your miracle.

This message will inspire and strengthen you in your faith and provide you with practical tools for spiritual victory.

Great Expectations

Monday, May 28, 2012

Caleb's Secret - How to see God's Promises come true in your Life

Caleb was able to overcome insurmountable odds and take possession of the fortified city of Hebron. There was a key ingredient that Caleb brought with him, which enabled him to receive the promises of God when his entire generation failed.

In this podcast Dr. Joseph Okia reveals the one key ingredient in seeing the Promises of God becoming a reality in your life.

Caleb's Secret

Monday, May 21, 2012

Are you a Grasshopper?

In this year of jubilee God is preparing to visit His people in a special way. However should God come and find us unprepared, the results will be disastrous. In this inspired message Dr. Joseph Okia outlines the critical importance of preparing for the Lord's visit and the crucial difference it makes between entering the promised land of breakthrough, healing, deliverance and abundance on the one part or returning to the desert of lack and dryness.

Don't be a Grasshopper

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

God is Good

God wants to visit you! But you have to prepare. The more you know HIM the more effective will be your preparation. In this inspiring Podcast Dr. Joseph Okia, reveals one of the core characteristics of God and the misconceptions we have about Him that keep us from receiving all that HE has prepared for us.

The Kingdom of God - Part 4

In this podcast Dr. Joseph Okia outlines what the Kingdom of God is about and what some of the characteristics are for those who are part of this Kingdom. God is establishing a Kingdom that is transforming the world, be part of this amazing Kingdom!